If you want a vision of our green future, imagine a Millennial working a zero-hour contract in a care home, looking after a lonely bed-ridden Boomer – forever.
Protects against the extraction of fossil fuels and other natural resources - ecological distribution conflicts - cannot simply be resolved by payments of compensation. That is because for most people outside of the corporate boardroom, money is not the primary concern. JOAN MARTINEZ ALIER, a leading academic, investigates
Paul Mobbs, leading environmental campaigner, author and engineer, tells the Ecologist Film Unit that extraction industries, including coal bed methane extraction, are going ahead in the UK despite serious environmental concerns........
So-called extreme energy - including fracking, coal bed methane extraction and underground coal gasification - is being rolled out with little concern for the environment, leading campaigner, author and engineer Paul Mobbs tells the Ecologist Film Unit
It’s hard to see what unconventional gas - including fracking and coal bed methane extraction - has to offer the UK with our vast renewable energy potential, says Mary Church
Poland is about to open its doors to an unprecedented dash for gas. But with multinational energy companies circling and widespread fracking about to begin, people and the environment are in the firing line. Andrew Wasley reports from Gdansk
Natural gas could be a game changer for one impoverished Ohio city. But there are serious environmental and social risks associated with extracting it, reports Dimiter Kenarov
Following in the wake of shale gas and coal-bed methane (CBM) extraction is the spectre of underground coal gasification (UCG). But if we adopt these wholesale we could close off any hope of stepping back from the climate change brink, says campaign group Frack Off