The internet is filled with a lot of Hostinger reviews. Unfortunately, the large majority of them are not based on any sort of firsthand experience. Instead, they’re composed of regurgitated information taken from the Hostinger website mixed with some generic text to make them “original.” The worst ones even scrape existing reviews and just remix them with AI. The end result is mediocre reviews that don’t give any sort of real world insight into what it’s like to actually be a Hostinger customer.
This review aims to be different. Very different. I recently conducted an in-house survey among my colleagues, where I asked them which hosting company they used for their personal websites. It turns out that quite a number of them, including our support team manager, responded with Hostinger.
So I decided to interview him and two of my other colleagues about their personal experiences as Hostinger customers. I asked them their opinions on Hostinger’s pricing, what it’s like to navigate the interface, whether or not they’ve reached out to customer support, and finally, their thoughts on their sites’ performance. In addition, a fourth colleague, who also has a Hostinger account, let me access it so that I could get a feel for using their service.
The end result of my personal experimentation combined with interviewing my co-workers is below.
Meet the Themeisle Hostinger crew
Before we get started, I wanted to do a quick meet-and-greet with my colleagues. This way you’ll understand what they do, how long they’ve been using Hostinger, and why they signed up for the service in the first place. Part of their opinion will be influenced by these factors so it’s good to keep them in mind as you’re reading.

Name: Kush Namdev
Position: Technical Support
Hostinger customer since: 2023
Hosting plan: Premium web hosting plan
Why Hostinger? Was looking for hosting to deploy various projects and saw it recommended in a YouTube video by a trusted source

Name: Stefan Cotitosu
Position: Customer Support Manager
Hostinger customer since: 2021
Hosting plan: Premium web hosting plan
Why Hostinger? To create a test instance for each product in our portfolio for troubleshooting and problem solving customer issues

Name: Harshit Arora
Position: Junior Tech Product Manager
Hostinger customer since: 2019
Hosting plan: WordPress Business plan
Why Hostinger? Needed a host with reliable loading speed for his personal website and his agency website and didn’t want to spend a lot of money
Show me the money! (plans and pricing) 💸
I know conventional sales wisdom says to talk about features before you discuss money, but I don’t work for Hostinger and I’m not here to sell you anything.
The way I see it is that you probably have a budget or a ballpark idea of how much you’d like to spend on your hosting plan. So, you might as well see if Hostinger fits into your price range before you do anything else.
If it does, then great! If it doesn’t, then you don’t need to spend anymore time here. Instead you can head over to our roundup of the cheapest hosting companies for some alternative options. However, keep in mind that Hostinger is already considered one of the cheapest hosts out there. It’s even featured in that aforementioned article, and while it might not be thee cheapest, it’s not too far off either.
Types of hosting available with Hostinger
Hostinger has a very attractive lineup of hosting options, including:
- Web hosting: starting from $2.24 per month
- Cloud hosting: from $7.59 per month
- VPS hosting: from $4.99 per month
- Managed WordPress hosting: from $2.24 per month
- AI-powered website builder (for beginners): from $2.24 per month
- Email hosting: from $0.99 per month
All plans above reflect annual billing and promotional rates. They renew at their normal (higher) rate.
My two cents:
Obviously you can see the numbers above for yourself, but in my opinion, I’d say that Hostinger’s pricing is overall very competitive. Especially with respect to what they include in their plans and how much they charge.
To give you some data-backed perspective on why I feel this way, take a look at this comparison table of Hostinger’s entry-level plans versus a few popular competitors:
Host | Price per month | Number of sites | Free domain | Disk space | Bandwidth |
Hostinger | $2.24 | 100 | ✅ | 100 GB | Unmetered |
Bluehost | $1.99 | 1 | ✅ | 10 GB | 15,000 / month |
Namecheap | $1.58 | 3 | ✅ | 20 GB | Unmetered |
A2 Hosting | $2.99 | 1 | ❌ | 100 GB | Unmetered |
SiteGround | $2.99 | 1 | ❌ | 10 GB | 10,000 / month |
Hostinger clearly wins in the number of sites you can build, and it ties for first in disk space. It also offers a free domain in your first year and provides unmetered bandwidth, which is not the case across the board.
Let’s see what my colleagues think about it.
What the Themeisle crew says:
How satisfied are you with Hostinger’s pricing and overall do you feel like you are getting your money’s worth?

Yes, I can say that I find the pricing structure satisfactory. This is in particular due to the fact that I purchased a four year plan, which, in my opinion, is very cheap when you consider how much value you get in return. This plan also provided me with a domain for one year. The pricing remains justified, primarily because it permits hosting for up to 100 websites and allows for the creation of up to 100 subdomains.

I find the service good for my current needs and I’m definitely satisfied with it. When I signed up for it there was a significant Black Friday discount, but once I got used to it I renewed at the regular price and it’s still worth the money.

I would rate it 8 out of 10. The only reason I wouldn’t give it a 9 or perfect 10 is that when I started hosting multiple sites, I felt that my site’s speed slowed down. That’s the only reason. I believe other solutions are also available on the market with the same or slightly higher pricing and better performance. But don’t quote me on this, as I haven’t researched these competitors since overall I am satisfied with Hostinger.
Overall, my opinion was generally validated by all three of them. They agreed that Hostinger offers good value for the money and they are satisfied with their plans.
Behind the steering wheel (user interface) 🎛️
If you are okay with the pricing and you were sold on my and my colleagues’ testaments to Hostinger being worth the money, then you’re probably interested in what it’s like to actually use their website. Let’s talk about it!

My two cents:
As I mentioned in the intro, a fourth co-worker of mine also has a Hostinger account and she let me use it for the purposes of conducting this review. Using her email and password, I logged in, and was greeted with Hostinger’s take on the cPanel, which they call the hPanel:

If I’m being blunt, the hPanel bares little resemblance to cPanel. I think they chose the name as more of a marketing tactic rather than an accurate representation of the interface. This isn’t necessarily a huge problem, but if you’re expecting a cPanel experience then you should leave your expectation at the door.
The hPanel is much more of a beginner’s style control panel with way less options.
On the positive side, I did find it easy to navigate, with the top menu bar being labeled in a very straightforward fashion. My only gripe with it is that it doesn’t really make the best use of space.
For example, there is a menu item named Emails and another named VPS, but the plan my coworker is on doesn’t have email included and it’s not a VPS plan. So when I clicked on each of those menu items, I was led to upsell pages for those products. I found that annoying. In my humble opinion, the navigation menu should be reserved for practical use. It should make it easy for me to get to different sections – sections that are available to me – and not as a placeholder to try to sell me stuff.
Overall though, I think it’s easy to use, but if you do get stuck, you can tap the little icon on the bottom right to get help. This will lead you to their knowledge base where you can (hopefully) find your solution. If you can’t, then you can contact their live chat (more on that soon).

If you find the hPanel limiting and do in fact want a cPanel experience, then you can always switch to one of Hostinger’s cPanel hosting plans.
What the Themeisle crew says:
Talk to me about Hostinger’s user interface. What do you like about it? Is there anything you don’t like about it or that could be better?

What I like most about the UI is that it’s really easy to find items. I don’t have to perform a lot of nested searching, which is something I dealt with when I was with Bluehost. Essential functionalities that are used in daily tasks, such as DNS management, subdomains, and file management, are easily visible and accessible.

There is a managing page where most of the actions I need on a regular basis are available, which is good because I don’t have to use the search function a lot. I initially had some difficulties navigating my way to that page, so I bookmarked the URL in my browser. Then one day I explored all of the options out of curiosity and after that, everything felt very intuitive.
One thing that could be better for me is the page to access databases via phpMyAdmin. While the feature works great, the list contains IDs of databases rather than their names. Since I have about ten sub sites set up, it makes it hard to match which ID corresponds to which website. The easiest workaround I found for this is to install a Dashboard plugin that reveals the name of each database, but it would be nice if this was the setting by default rather than having to use a plugin to do it.

The UI/UX is clean and easy to understand, even for first-time users. It’s great for tasks like installing WordPress, managing sub-domains, creating emails, and other things.
Roadside assistance (customer support) 🤝
One of the most overlooked features that people nearly forget about when they’re signing up for a hosting plan is customer support. I think it’s partially because it doesn’t have the “excitement factor” behind it.
With pricing, you can get excited about it if you think you’re getting a great deal. Similarly, you can feel enthusiastic about the user interface because you can visualize yourself using it. But who wants to visualize themselves talking to customer support?
Because talking to customer support means that something has gone wrong or you’re stuck in some way.
But, as much as we don’t want to think about that situation, it may very well happen, and if it does, you want to make sure that the support is reliable. So how does Hostinger fare? Let’s take a look.
Hostinger support options
Whether you prefer self-help options or need more of a personal touch, Hostinger has you covered.
- ✅ For self help, they have numerous tutorials – including video tutorials and webinars. They also offer a knowledge base, neatly categorized by subject, and an AI-powered “personal assistant.”
- ✅ For more of a personal touch, you can reach them via live chat or email.
- ❌ Unfortunately, for those of you who like to talk on the phone, there’s no phone support.
My two cents:
I decided to test Hostinger’s live chat for myself and I quickly realized that actually finding where it is, is a challenge in and of itself. Hostinger really wants you to solve your own problem before attempting to contact them, and their support funnel is set up precisely in a way to encourage that.
Remember that little icon on the bottom right I mentioned in the previous section?
Based on its appearance, most people would identify that as a “chat icon.” But as I mentioned earlier, it doesn’t open up to a live chat. Instead, it takes you to Hostinger’s knowledge base where they greet with you with endless resources. But depending on your perspective and how frustrated you are, you could interpret those resources as speed bumps on the road to reaching someone.
If none of the resources help you (or you’re just determined to use the live chat), you can scroll to the bottom of the page. There you’ll find the “Chat now” button.

I did precisely that, and ended up having a conversation with an AI bot. To my surprise, it was actually really good. I’ve interacted with a few of these AI chatbots in the past and never have I been as impressed as I was with Hostinger’s.
I asked it a few questions about installing WordPress. In between each question there was a bit of a pause for it to process what I was asking and then it gave me a solid answer.

Hostinger also made it clear that if somehow the AI couldn’t help me, that there were humans available as the next line of support. What wasn’t clear is how exactly I could talk to these agents. I assume that if the AI gets stuck on something, then it will ping a human to step in and take over. For what it’s worth, I did notice in the chat history that my colleague had previously interacted with a human so that gives some validation to my theory.
What the Themeisle crew says:
Have you ever reached out to Hostinger’s customer support, and if so, via what channel(s)? How would you describe your interaction(s)?

No, I haven’t contacted their support team. Given that I use Hostinger solely for the purpose of troubleshooting with our clients rather than for blogging or business activities, I have not engaged with their support services yet. However, I have heard from many people that they have good support.

For sure, I reached out to them on the chat. Their support team replied fast, understood my query and a resolution was provided in all the cases pretty quickly. They were both friendly, polite and efficient, and I liked their way of asking me to leave them a review.

I reached out to their chat support around two or three years ago, and while the solutions were good, the waiting time was a bit high back then. I’m not sure about the current waiting times.
Vroom-vroom-vroom! (website performance) 🚀
Let’s wrap this up by examining how your website might perform if you decide to sign up for one of Hostinger’s plans.
It’s important to note that your performance will be affected by the plan you choose. This is because higher level plans are naturally designed to support more resource intensive websites.
If someone has a large ecommerce store with a lot of customer data and heavy traffic, and they sign up for Hostinger’s entry-level plan but then find their performance isn’t up to par – that’s not really Hostinger’s fault. That’s on the person for trying to cut corners.
The message here is: don’t be that guy (or gal). Sign up for a plan that appropriately matches the needs of your site and you’ll find that Hostinger’s performance will generally be good.
My two cents:
For this particular section, I decided to tap into our company’s resource bank to provide you with some real performance and uptime data. If you’ve read any of our other hosting articles then you might already be aware of this. In case you’re not though, here’s the breakdown of our process:
A while back we decided to sign up for the entry-level plan with several major hosting companies for the purposes of running performance tests. To do this, we set up identical dummy websites with some simple content and a few plugins that a “basic” website would have. We then tested how fast those sites loaded from several locations around the world.
The rationale behind this is that we wanted to make sure that when we talk about any given hosting company, that we have real world data to both assess and validate our conclusions.
We gradually grew this portfolio, and as of the time of this writing, we have 20 subscription plans that we run monthly tests on. One of them, unsurprisingly, is Hostinger.
What you’re looking at below is the result of last month’s test results for loading time. We use a shortcode mechanism to update the results, which allows you, the reader, to always see the most recent data:
East Coast USA: 1.20s | West Coast USA: 1.80s |
Central USA: 1.63s | London, UK: 0.41s ⭐ |
Paris, France: 0.51s ⭐ | Mumbai, India: 1.64s |
In addition to the loading times, we also monitor the uptime of Hostinger’s service. The three most recent months are below:
November 2024 | December 2024 | January 2025 |
99.98% | 100.00% ⭐ | 100.00% ⭐ |
See the live status page and historical data for Hostinger.
I’ll finish my two cents here by adding that one really nice feature that I like about Hostinger with regards to performance is that they have servers in multiple locations around the world. This means that if the majority of your audience or customers are coming from a particular region, then you can change your server location to that region (or whatever server is closest to it) to boost your performance.
What the Themeisle crew says:
In terms of performance, has Hostinger met, not met, or exceeded your expectations? Can you provide any more detail or an example?

In terms of meeting expectations, Hostinger has generally aligned with my requirements. As my usage is not that extensive, I would refrain from saying that it surpasses expectations. However, a notable drawback I have encountered is related to the speed. After a brief period of usage and the installation of several plugins on sites, I noticed some performance issues. If you don’t use a caching plugin then the issue becomes even more evident.

In term of performance, it works fine. My expectations weren’t exceeded, but it’s important to keep in mind that I’m using the basic plan. I kind of knew what to expect from the beginning, as it was written in the pricing plans – something like “standard performance” compared to higher plans.

Hostinger has met my expectations, especially for simple WordPress websites with fewer plugins.
My final two cents on Hostinger 🏁
I’m assuming you landed on this post because you’re considering signing up with Hostinger and you wanted a genuine review from a real user or users that didn’t look like every other generic Hostinger review in the search results.
First, I hope your expectations were met and that you got some insight out of this.
Second, if you’re still not completely over the fence in either direction, then my final bit of advice is this:
Hostinger has been a trustworthy, reliable mainstay in the hosting space for many years now. Their pricing, relative to the features they offer, is very attractive compared to popular alternatives. As long as you choose a hosting plan that aligns with your site’s resource demands, you’ll be in good hands.
The last question I asked all three of my colleagues was whether or not they were planning on transferring out of Hostinger to another hosting company. All three of them answered “no.”
‘Nuff said.
* Some of my colleagues’ responses were gently edited by me for clarity.
Posting Update of ongoing Hostinger Issue for my last comment.
I have been asking hostinger to refund me my money and they did not, instead Hostinger gave extension and i agreed to it. Now yesterday Hostinger DB server was having issues according to chat support and Hostinger technical team fixed it after 30 minutes. I requested again for refund because the agreement was there won’t be anymore downtime or issues but within 24 hours it proved that Hostinger have no right to be in business. Now today when i emailed for refund and shared the DB issue screenshot Hostinger support staff went to my live ecommerce site and disabled plugins just to show that everything is working fine which is crazy because i never asked for it and who on earth does testing on a live site when you have a staging site? Screenshots
Be careful and do not trust the marketing etc. They are a scam and one should stay away from them.
Been a customer with them for last couple of years and have been using Cloud Enterprise plan. I must say that at first things improved and support was good but for last couple of months the down time has affected a lot and been down for a few hours seems to be quite normal. Be very very careful before signing up for Hostinger and they seem to be good with marketing. Horrible experience and today they were down for more than 3 hours and the status page already says that we have applied the fix and monitoring where as in reality you can’t even open the site. Moreover if you are looking for fast reliable hosting then hostinger is the worst in my opinion. Customer support keeps on saying we are sorry for the incoveniance bla bla and at the end they ask you “please let me know how can i help you” lol I am trying to get my refund and interestingly i just spoke with Paulius ลฝunda just three days back about how they have improved but still a few things need to be worked on and today it was just game over. I hope i can get… Read more »
I hosted my site on Hostinger, but I ran into issues with the backups failing. I attempted to resolve the problems on my own and adjusted the settings, but I was unsuccessful. Although I eventually received a response from support, it was not very helpful as they had limited knowledge and only provided links and advice. I would not recommend this hosting provider, especially if you want to avoid encountering support issues, unknown hosting limitations, and slow speeds that could affect your site or business. I transferred again my site to Asphostportal who offer more reliable service.
Hey Larry. I appreciate you sharing your experience. I’m sorry you had those issues. I personally found the support to be adequate but I completely understand that these kinds of interactions aren’t standardized and some will be better than others. I’m happy to hear that you are enjoying your new provider.
I was using bluehost for a long time had 12 domains hosting with them. They changed their platform in 2023 and it was a disaster! I lost a lot of money. They couldn’t even help me as the changes they made forced them to keep making changes to correct the problems. I found hostinger they not only have a more users friendly platform their tech support was on point. Thus far not one problem I migrated all my sites over without a glitch.
Thanks for sharing your experience Ray. I’m glad to hear that you’ve been satisfied with Hostinger so far. My colleagues all seem to like it as well for the most part so it looks like you guys are on the same page.
I will recommend not to go with this cheap, sh%t#y hosting company, worse customer support, expensive plans compares to other, server speed is extra slow compared to other hosting providers.
Even you have the services in your cPanel/hPanel, you cant use it and if you complain to the customer support, they ask you to wait and no response and no solution.
In short, if you want to waste your money go for it, otherwise choose some other good hosting company.
Sorry to hear that you had a bad experience Balogh, but I do appreciate you taking the time to share it here with the community. Did you end up transferring to a different hosting company?
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