Super Page Cache Pro

Speed up your website with advanced cache management.

or try the free version


Why use Super Page Cache?

  • Lightning Speed Disk Caching
  • Edge Caching (with Cloudflare free plan)
  • Seamless integration with Cloudflare
  • Images, iframes & videos lazyloading
  • JavaScript loading delay
  • JavaScript defer
  • Smart script optimization exclusions
  • User defined script exclusions

This is a great plugin for managing my CloudFlare cache. It has all of the features I need and isn’t overloaded with spammy stuff like the majority of WordPress plugins are now.

Speed up your website loading time!

Disk Caching

Efficient disk caching serving static HTML pages for faster web performance

Edge Caching

Ensure fast delivery of your website based on the free Cloudflare plan with delivery around the globe


Enable lazyloading for images, iframes and videos for a faster page load

Cache Preloading

Pages are cached immediately after the cache is purged based on custom rules you can set up

Defer & Delay Scripts

Prioritize what matters most loading lightning-fast while non-essential scripts wait their turn

Speed up your website with Super Page Cache Pro!


More than 50.000 sites
use Super Page Cache

This is a great plugin for managing my CloudFlare cache. It has all of the features I need and isn’t overloaded with spammy stuff like the majority of WordPress plugins are now.

The technical means this plugin uses to get your site cached on CloudFlare is state of the art. Using service workers and then configuring CloudFlare to render from cache and only “fail open” to uncached content on cache miss, is very forward thinking. It may take a bit for someone less experienced with this to setup, but the performance gains with this approach are stellar. Using CloudFlare without this specific implementation approach still won’t be as fast. Be sure to take the time to set it up right, and do the actual service worker configuration and you’ll be amazed at how well this works, and all for no cost.

Great plugin that provides both fantastic out-of-the-box functionality for casual users and highly detailed and customizable settings for power users.

Fills an essential role in the community for WP + CloudFlare users.

Incredible fast and high quality support directly from the developer.

Highly recommended over the official CloudFlare plugin, which forces users to adopt their “APO” system, lacks detailed settings and just generals falls short of what it should do.

Your website is as fast as your Cloudflare configuration. I discovered Super Page Cache through a friend and decided to give it a spin. The plugin has ton of settings and you might feel lost at first BUT what you actually need is to start from a simple configuration that makes Cloudflare work for your website. No Pro plan required, no Automatic WordPress Optimization (APO) license either. Make sure to fasten your seatbelt and turn that preloader on.

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Essential features for solo sites

  • Support & Updates for 1 site
  • Email Support
  • Delay JavaScript It makes the website faster by waiting to load JavaScript files until the user interacts with the page, like scrolling or clicking.
  • Defer JavaScriptDeferring Javascript eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can improve load time. 



Limitless for agencies & clients

  • Support & Updates for 500 sites
  • Live Chat & Priority Support
  • Delay JavaScript It makes the website faster by waiting to load JavaScript files until the user interacts with the page, like scrolling or clicking.
  • Defer JavaScriptDeferring Javascript eliminates render-blocking JS on your site and can improve load time. 
Money back icon

100% Money-Back Guarantee!

Purchase with peace of mind. If you find out that this plugin does not meet your needs, we offer a 30-day no-questions-asked money-back guarantee.

You can change plans or cancel your account at any time! Special introductory pricing, all renewals are at full price.

Supported by Real People

Themeisle is a global remote team of passionate WordPress professionals delivering awesome themes and plugins for more than 470,000 users.

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Need support? Stay relaxed, we have you covered!

Our Happiness Engineers are happy to help you get the best results from our products. No matter the question, we deal with it and don’t leave you wondering what to do.

  • Large Knowledge Base
  • 300+ Product Docs
  • 200+ Video Tutorials
  • Support via Email
  • 1 Business Day Reply
  • Priority Support


Frequently Asked


Once you choose a plan, you get access to a specific number of websites to activate the product. After the license is active you will start getting security updates. Yes, subdomains count as an active website (this includes WordPress multisite).

You can use the product on any number of websites owned by you or not. Keep in mind that you will only receive updates, support, and new features just for the websites with an active license.

When you upgrade to the premium version of a product you get all the PRO features and everything integrates seamlessly. The extra features will be added and your existing work will be there. If you’re still worried, you can always back up your files.

Yes, you can use our Agency License to set up Super Page Cache Pro on your customers’ websites, unless you are offering hosting services. 

If you have not found the answer to your question here, get in touch and we will be happy to help.