WordPress Login URL

WordPress makes it real easy for beginners to set up a website in a jiffy. But how do you log in after setting it up? In this article, we’ll show you exactly that – how to find the WordPress login URL of your website.

Key Takeaways

  • The standard way to find a WordPress login URL is to add /wp-login.php or /admin after your site’s web address
  • If your site is stored under a sub-directory or a sub-domain then these standard methods might not work

Ways to find the WordPress login URL

The tactic above works in 95% of situations, but there are a few scenarios where it won’t work.

Specifically, it won’t work if you installed WordPress in a sub-directory or on a subdomain. In that case, you’ll need to add the sub-directory name at the end of the site URL or add the subdomain name at the start of the URL.

For example, if you installed WordPress at blog.mywebsite.com, you can log in by visiting blog.mywebsite.com/admin.

Or, if you installed WordPress at www.mywebsite.com/blog, you can log in by visiting www.mywebsite.com/blog/admin.

If you’re not sure where you installed WordPress, you can:

  • Check your hosting dashboard. Many hosts list the direct URL of your WordPress installation.
  • Ask your host’s support for help.

How to remember the WordPress login URL

To help you remember the login URL, you can add the login page URL to bookmarks in your browser.

Another option is to add a link to the menu/header or footer of your website. Here’s how:

Go to Appearance → Editor and click on your site to the right. In the block editor that opens, click on the site header or footer (based on where you want to display the login URL), then Edit.

edit header in wordpress.

Next, insert the Login/out block.

insert login url to header.

Customize the link and align it the way you want, then click Save and preview your site to view the login link live.

In the images above, we showed you how to edit the header. Follow the same steps to add a login link to the footer. Just make sure to edit the footer instead. Here’s what a footer login link looks like when you preview your site.

login link in footer.

From now on, every time you enter your website, you will see a Login link in your header/footer every time you’re logged out. If you’re already logged in when you visit the site, you’ll see a Logout link instead.

When you log in, you can also check the Remember Me box so that you stay logged in.

how to find your WordPress login URL

If you wish, you can also add a login form to your sidebar. This is helpful if you’ve got a number of users accessing the login page.

The Login Widget With Shortcode plugin can help you with this.

Enhance and secure your login process

Now that you see how easy it is to find your WordPress login URL, you’ll also understand how easy it is for malicious elements to enter your website as well. So, here are a few tips for how you can enhance and secure your login page.

First, you can customize your login page. Besides helping with security, it also helps to brand your website.

Then, you can further enhance security on your login page by:

In case you hide your login URL using a plugin, take care to remember the new login address. If you happen to forget, try retrieving it from the bookmarks in your browser or browsing history.

If for some reason, that’s not an option, you’ll need to:

  • Connect to your site via FTP.
  • Delete the plugin from your wp-contents folder.

This will restore access to your site using the normal login URL.

So, you see, it’s not all that hard to find your WordPress login URL. And once you’re there, there’s a lot you can do to customize the login page or to protect your WordPress website.

Do you have any additional questions about how to find the login URL and log in to your WordPress site? Ask away in the comments!

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