29 mins read

Bluehost vs Hostinger: Which Is the Best Host for Your Needs

Struggling to choose between Bluehost and Hostinger? If you stick around I promise you that by the end of this article you’ll have clarity on which company is better for your needs. What you’re about to read is a thorough analysis, written by a real human – me! – with actual opinions and insights into what these two companies offer. I will focus heavily on their various hosting plans, but I'll also touch upon their domain registrar services. Afterwards, I will break down what their support game looks like and how they perform on the battlefield when put to the test.

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Bluehost vs WordPress.com: Which Is Better for Your Website?

Trying to decide between Bluehost and WordPress.com to launch your website? First, let’s make sure that we’re on the same page with what it is we’re actually going to be comparing. If you already know that WordPress.org and WordPress.com are not the same thing, then you can skip this explanation and head straight to the analysis.

5 SiteGround Alternatives That Are Cheaper and Better

SiteGround offers hosting plans starting at $2.99 per month. Yes, that is true…but that’s only for the first year. Once that introductory period ends, the price jumps to $17.99 per month. Over five years, you’re looking at spending around $825, and over ten years, that total climbs to about $1,900. If you’re reading this, you’re probably already aware of this and are searching for more affordable options.

10 Best Video Hosting Sites for Website Owners

If you have a videography portfolio site or media-rich blog, you want to make sure your content is delivered without issues or delays. Uploading clips to your website can slow it down and take up storage space. Therefore, you might be looking for some quality video hosting sites (besides YouTube).

2024‘s Best Web Hosting for Photographers: 6 Top Options

If you want to sell or display your photographs online, you'll need to create a photography website. In this case, you'll need a web host. However, you might not know how to choose one. In this post, we'll take a closer look at what to look for and then we'll guide you through the best web hosting options for photographers.

A2 Hosting vs SiteGround: Which Is Better?

Finding it hard to pick between A2 Hosting vs SiteGround to host your next web project? In our hands-on comparison, we’ll help you pick the host that’s best for your needs, budget, and knowledge level.

Web Hosting for Non-Profits: 9 Special Deals and Best Plans

When you're running a non-profit, finding affordable and reliable web hosting might seem overwhelming. Well, prepare to be shocked. Not only does affordable hosting exist, but you can even find affordable, fully featured web hosting for non-profits.

5 Best GoDaddy Alternatives (Cheaper and/or Better)

GoDaddy is a popular web hosting provider. But, with its growing prices and a multi-year data breach that happened not that long ago, some users might want to avoid it. Fortunately, there are tons of GoDaddy alternatives available. However, you might not know how to choose the best one for your website.