Statistics can inform, surprise and amaze but in the Internet age, it’s easy to get lost in the abundance of often conflicting data out there. The Vegan Society’s DOMINIKA PIASECKA presents some findings that will make you think twice about your diet
The greatest injustice of the climate crisis is that those least responsible for it are hit first and hardest. But within this injustice lies the key to a just and sustainable future. ASAD REHMAN, executive director of War on Want, explains
The latest projections from climate scientists suggests humanity must take immediate action to stop the use of fossil fuels or face 1.5°C of warming - the limit set by the world's leaders - in just 17 years. BRENDAN MONTAGUE reports
There is no more heartbreaking indicator of human hardship than suicide says the author of a new report that shows the devastating impact of Global Warming on struggling Indian farmers, thousands of whom have taken their own lives over the last 30 years. G.B.S.N.P VARMA reports
Laurence and Alison Matthews explain how the framework for the Paris Climate Change talks are set to skew the debate and distract us from the real agenda which should be to find a global solution to a global emergency.
Floods, giant waves and billions of pounds of destruction to the UK's homes, businesses and key national infrastructure could revolutionise climate politics, writes Jonathon Porritt. But no thanks to the increasingly pathetic BBC!
The battle against coal mining by Mountain Top Removal has been fought by the people of Appalachia over generations. The campaigners' target is now Swiss bank UBS, the main financier of the destruction.
Water scarcity's effect on food production means radical steps will be needed to feed a population expected to reach nine billion by 2050, warns Stockholm International Water Institute
From shrinking seas to devastated rainforests, a new app, Fragile Earth, is helping to chart humanity’s trail of destruction while challenging us to do something about it