Environmental racism against Roma

A new report released on International Romani Day highlights the severe and systemic environmental racism against Roma communities across Europe during the coronavirus crisis.

Instead of recognising that this neglect leaves the Roma more vulnerable to COVID-19, communities are being blamed and punished for the pandemic.

Roma communities across central and eastern Europe are experience systematic and systemic environmental racism, which has intensified during the novel coronavirus pandemic, according to the ‘Pushed to the Wastelands’ report published yesterday.

The European Environmental Bureau (EEB) and European Roma Grassroots Organisations (ERGO) network collaborated with ICTA-UAB published the report on International Romani Day at a virtual event. The research draws on the Environmental Justice Atlas, the world’s largest database of ecological conflicts, and its map of cases of environmental racism against Roma communities – reveals how

Patrizia Heidegger, the European Environmental Bureau’s Director of Global Policies and Sustainability is a co-author of the report. She told The Ecologist: “People are more familiar with the social, cultural and political discrimination facing Roma communities in Europe. However, few are aware of the environmental racism these communities are confronted with.” 


The report seeks to rectify this lack of awareness by placing the issue of environmental racism against Roma communities clearly on the political map. Even before its official release, the report was discussed with MEPs at the European Parliament and was previewed in The Guardian.

This too often pushes these communities out into marginal and polluted plots and neighbourhoods, and deprives them of access to basic environmental services and public utilities.

“Having to live and work in degraded wastelands or danger zones where people are denied basic environmental services, such as water supply and waste management, has serious consequences for the wellbeing and health of Roma communities. We need strong European responses to make this end,” Heidegger emphasises.

The COVID-19 pandemic has further exposed these underlying inequalities and exclusion, and their potentially dire health consequences. “Roma communities living in segregated settlements or neighbourhoods with limited access to clean water and adequate sanitation are already more vulnerable to diseases,” says the EEB’s Katy Wiese, co-author of the report.

This message is echoed by FRA, the EU’s agency for fundamental rights. “Roma are particularly at risk,” the organisation said in a statement. “Governments therefore have an important and urgent responsibility to develop comprehensive and inclusive plans of support – and make sure they are implemented.”

Instead of recognising that this neglect leaves the Roma more vulnerable to COVID-19, communities are being blamed and punished for the pandemic.


But this does not appear to be occurring. “Roma communities are facing stricter restrictions than other neighbourhoods,” observed Jamen Gabriela Hrabanova, Executive Director of ERGO. “They are also being blamed for the spread of the [COVID-19] disease.”

Authorities in Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria have imposed additional restrictions on Roma communities that do not apply to the wider population. Masked police are reportedly patrolling the streets of the Roma community of Tandarei, in southeastern Romania.

In Slovakia, some Roma communities have been sealed off and military doctors, rather than civilian ones, are testing them for the coronavirus.

“We are worried to learn that the provision of food aid and the disbursement of welfare benefits are endangered, and that some politicians blame Roma for the spread of the virus,” stated Council of Europe Secretary-General Marija Pejčinović Burić.

The problems and challenges facing Europe’s Roma are compounded by the myths and misinformation spread about these vulnerable communities.


Helena Dalli, the European Commissioner for Equality, said: Online hate speech and fake stories against Roma people are again on the rise.

"Many Roma in Europe continue to face anti-Gypsyism, discrimination and socio-economic exclusion in their daily lives, despite EU and national rules against discrimination.

“This is why the Commission will present a reinforced strategy for Roma equality and inclusion in European society.”

However, this new post-2020 strategy will be lacking if it does not include environmental racism, ‘Pushed to the Wastelands’ reiterates. “The European Commission is currently drafting a proposal for its post-2020 Roma inclusion policy,” the EEB’s Heidegger points out. “This means it is uniquely positioned to ensure that the EU’s new approach to tackling anti-Roma discrimination includes confronting environmental racism.”

In addition, the report recommends that EU member states implement the bloc’s robust environmental laws equally and equitably by extending them, without prejudice, to Roma communities.

This Author

Khaled Diab is a senior communications officer, with a particular focus on the sustainable development goals, economic transition and environmental justice. Khaled is a veteran journalist with over 20 years of experience gathered in Europe and the Middle East. He is also the author of two books.

Image: Roma women who had been targets of abuse outside court in Larisa, central Greece. Nikolas Giakoumidis/AP/Press Association Images. 

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