We need a new narrative that tells of human interconnectedness with nature, and a totality of being and existence. This is the best way to prevent the hubris and destructiveness of the dominant story of economic growth. JAMES SAINSBURY sets out the vision of The Resurgence Trust, owner of The Ecologist online
Academic FEDERICO DEMARIA will be addressing staff at the European Commission today in a keynote speech about the crucial issues of economic growth and environmental degradation. He asks, is the well-being of the individual, societies and nations possible beyond economic growth?
Meeting global targets to end hunger by 2030 could be challenging given a recent increase in food insecurity exacerbated by conflict and environmental degradation. CATHERINE EARLY reports.
Misguided images of sacrifice may be putting people off living more sustainable lifestyles. But reversing that may require policymakers to start encouraging wider metrics of success and happiness
Deutsche Bank economist Pavan Sukhdev is heading up the groundbreaking TEEB (The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity) report and doing for nature what Sir Nicholas Stern did for climate change - valuing it
China boasts the fastest growing economy in the world. But how to calculate this development’s impact on natural resources, on public health and the environment? Pan Yue sets out the case for green GDP accounting
‘Religion is the opium of the people’ is one of Marx’s best-known aphorisms. It is memorable because it tells us so much about the manipulation of faith in the industrial era