The declaration has been signed by scientists from the University of Sydney, Australia, Oregon State University and Tufts University in the US and the University of Cape Town in South Africa.
Sir Brian Hoskins, chair of the Grantham Institute on Climate Change, among scientists calling on Theresa May to enshrine zero carbon target into UK law.
The former co-leader of the Green party, NATALIE BENNETT is in Bonn where she tells of the story of two cities: the politicians on one side performing seemingly endless negotiations and the scientists and NGOs on the other calling for urgent action.
Head of the Potsdam Institute and climate change advisor to the German government, Professor John Schellnhuber explains why COP15 is based on out-of-date science, but why he still has hope for a positive outcome
The emails hacked from the servers of the University of East Anglia continue to cause controversy. But it was not a singular attack, says Chris Genovali, just the only successful one so far...
The sheer number of different measurements used to show evidence of climate change is dizzying. Now, the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme has boiled them down to one, simple graph