How do displacement and migration relate to natural disasters and climate change? Today, there is little clarity about their inter-relationship. ARTHUR WYNS debunks three common misconceptions and offers a fresh perspective to frame the subject of 'climate migration'
When the 600 residents of the Shishmaref Alaskan village decided last week to relocate due to the impact of Climate Change we moved beyond the 'wakeup call' stage to a serious tipping point, writes Dr CARA AUGUSTENBORG
EJF’s ‘No Place Like Home’ film is part of their campaign arguing the case of people affected by climate change, who without international help and new binding agreements on assistance, will have no where to go and no means to survive...
An increase in natural disasters along Bangladesh's coastal belt is forcing communities to relocate to nearby districts and cities, many forced to live an uncertain life of poverty.
Researchers dismiss 'alarmist predictions' about hundreds of millions of people being forced to migrate across international borders because of climate change